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学术报告129: Dragan Rakic — Star, left-star, and right-star partial orders in Rickart ∗-rings

时间:2022-11-23 作者: 点击数:



Dragan Rakic 教授

工作单位University of Nis


报告人简介:Dragan Rakic,塞尔维亚尼什大学教授,2015年博士毕业于尼什大学,主要研究方向为泛函分析、算子理论、广义逆及偏序理论。在专业杂志上等杂志上发表高质量论文20余篇,并主持塞尔维亚科学基金项目2项、及塞尔维亚与思罗维尼亚双边项目1项。

报告简介 Let A be a unital ring admitting involution. We introduce an order on A and show that in the case when A is a Rickart ∗-ring, this order is equivalent to the well-known star partial order. The notion of the left-star and the right-star partial orders is extended to Rickart ∗-rings. Properties of the star, the left-star and the right-star partial orders are studied in Rickart ∗-rings and some known results are generalized. We found matrix forms of elements a and b when a b, where ≤ is one of these orders. Conditions under which these orders are equivalent to the minus partial order are obtained. The diamond partial order is also investigated.

上一篇:学术报告130:许三长 — Rank Equalities Related to the (B,C)-inverses

下一篇:学术报告128: Dragan Rakic — Partial orders in rings based on generalized inverses– unified theory (2)